10 Home Remedies For Gum Disease



If you don’t drink enough moisture, your mouth will stay dry and you will increase the risk of tooth decay. Drinking plenty of water improves saliva production and naturally strengthens enamel by washing them with vital minerals. Mineral reduction of enamel occurs through age and oral hygiene. This process is known as demineralization that weakens tooth enamel and predisposes your teeth to tooth decay. Eating is no problem here, but brushing your teeth and not following hygiene is terrible. If you don’t brush your teeth after a meal or before bed, food waste promotes bacterial growth and combines it with acid to eat enamel.

If you really want a snack, make sure to wash your mouth with water anyway. However, you need professional treatment if gingivitis turns into periodontal disease, the next stage of gum disease. Periodontitis can cause the development of periodontal bags and bone loss, which can lead to tooth loss.

It is often added to the city’s water supply and is also used in oral care products. Fluoride toothpastes and mouthwashes are effective in strengthening teeth and preventing tooth decay. After waking up in the morning and right before bed, these are the best times to brush and fluorine. Learning to strengthen teeth starts with good daily brushing.

It also nourishes germs that can cause tooth decay and gum disease in the mouth. Plaque is a thin, invisible and sticky film of bacteria and other materials. When sugars or starch in the mouth come into contact with the plate, acids form. These acids can attack your teeth for 20 minutes or more after you have finished eating.

These simple steps can help you prevent tooth decay or tooth decay, which is caused by bacteria on your teeth. If you eat a lot of sugary food and do not brush regularly, bacteria turn sugar into acid. This can cause and weaken small holes or tooth decay and hurt. Look for foods rich in vitamin K, such as broccoli or Brussels sprouts to include in your diet.

Stop in catechins and antioxidants to fight diseases, poop is ideal for teeth as it fights tooth decay, plaque and dental caries. Cocoa also contains a compound called CBN, which helps to harden enamel. When choosing cocoa to improve your oral health, it is best to snack on the cocoa tips, although most people will find it unpleasant. The second Zahnarzt Bern best option is dark chocolate that contains less than six to eight grams of sugar per serving with 70% cocoa or more. Fatty fish, such as mackerel, salmon, trout, tuna and eel, are rich in vitamin D. Vitamin D not only supports good bone health, but its lack can lead to dry mouth, which can contribute to cavities, bad breath and gum disease.

If you prefer yogurt, smooth, sugar-free Greek yogurt are usually the best / healthiest for tooth enamel. Practicing good oral hygiene is the most important action a person can take to prevent and treat gum disease. Most people tend to overlook their gums when it comes to oral health and focus on getting a bright white smile. Brushing teeth and flossing twice a day is still one of the best home remedies for good oral health.