20 Foods That Can Save Your Heart

Citrus is also rich in vitamin C, which is related to a lower risk of heart disease. To reduce your risk of heart disease, it is also important to increase your intake of nutrients rich in nutrients and high in fiber, as well as healthy fats. This is especially important for people who are at risk or already have high blood pressure. Try to limit the amount of sodium you eat to less than 2,300 milligrams per day.

You can increase the amount of whole grains in a heart-healthy diet by making simple replacements for refined grain products. In other words, be adventurous and try new whole grains, such as whole grains, quinoa or barley. A study showed that falling total cholesterol levels by only 10% were associated with a 15% lower risk heart doctor near me of dying from coronary heart disease . Like other soy products, edamame is rich in soybean bisoflavones, a type of flavonoid that can help lower cholesterol and improve heart health. In addition, eating beans has been associated with reduced blood pressure and inflammation, which are risk factors for heart disease .

Other smart options are lean cheese, such as partial skim ricotta, dried cottage cheese or natural cheese. Dairy fats are associated with high blood cholesterol, one of the six major risk factors for heart disease, but eating lean dairy products is associated with a reduced risk of stroke. Trans fats are natural and artificial, but most trans fats, also known as trans fatty acids, are found in processed foods and are labeled as partially hydrogenated oils. Baked food and baked goods, as well as frozen pizza and margarine are the most common culprits.

The findings only applied to dark chocolate, which means that chocolate is at least 60-70% cocoa. Pure chocolate contains flavonoids called polyphenols that can help blood pressure, clotting and inflammation. Unfortunately, milk chocolate and most candy bars are not of quality when it comes to protecting your heart. Not only blueberries, but also strawberries and other berries.

We have heard for years that fish oil supplements (and their omega-3 fatty acids) are magic pills against heart disease; in fact, at least 10 percent of Americans take them. However, recent research has questioned its effectiveness, including a study presented at the AHA scientific meeting in November. He found that for 13,078 people with heart disease, fish oil pills have not reduced your risk of heart disease compared to those with a placebo. Not only that, but atrial fibrillation, a potentially dangerous abnormal heart rhythm, was more common in those taking the supplement. Several studies have shown that dark chocolate can benefit your heart. This includes one from 2012, who discovered that daily chocolate consumption could reduce non-fatal heart attacks and strokes in people at high risk of these problems.

For someone who eats 2000 calories a day, that’s about 13 grams of saturated fat. Because oatmeal is rich in soluble fiber, it can help reduce the risk of heart disease. An assessment of the evidence from 2008 concluded that oat-based products significantly reduce LDL and total cholesterol without adverse effects. Fish is a strong source of omega-3 fatty acids and proteins that help the heart, but it contains little saturated fat.