If you are a spiritual person or someone who has read about universal principles, metaphysics or the teachings of Dr. Wayne Dyer, follows … you’ll understand what he means when he says, “Thoughts become things.” As for J. R. and Lauren Ridigner, founders of Market America (MA), their thoughts were huge!
When launching market Market America and formulating a business plan, Market America JR wanted to correct many of the shortcomings in traditional business, network marketing, and MLM. As what “works now” progressed, JR realized that he had enough time to analyze the numbers, trends, and traditional business building tactics that led to the paradigm shift.
JR was very worried about writing the MA business plan, but he felt that each company was developing its own business plan based on unrealistic expectations of what people were actually doing. Did you know that direct sales industry statistics show that the average business distributor can work and manage effectively using 2.8 distribution channels?
At this stage, for most companies there is a major accident. Do you see how MLM companies, which force you to create 5 distribution channels, set you up for massive failures from scratch?
JR compensated for this variable by focusing the MA business plan and the compensation model on the vertical structure. While binary marketing has been gaining popularity over the years, Market America is classified as offering a binomial extension program (not just a binary layout).
This unique positioning ensures that the owner of Market America UnFranchise® enough to create only 2 distribution channels, like any binary program, but there are some significant differences with Market America and other types of compensation plans. I’m going to share a MORE REVOLUTIONARY approach that can’t offer you any other compensation plan in any industry. By the way, I just told any industry!

The trick is that many people say that MA’s business plan is limited. First, if someone says so … Run as fast as possible. They are trying to sell you their reality because it is simply wrong. If you want to understand both the math and the logic of the compensation plan and the structural model, ask a qualified Market America UnFranchise insider® who is familiar with the options available.
Frankly, they know how MA works and how MA works to compensate for horizontal marketing problems. Horizontal marketing is how ANY OTHER BUSINESS-MODEL works. This concept of horizontal marketing is easy to understand. If you had a family business and wanted to open location number 2, would it help you location number 2 in any way in the location number 1? No… They’re competing!
What if you had a business with several sellers working as a “team” and could the seller no.1 somehow help the seller No.2? No… they’re competing, too. I’ll give you anecdotal evidence. If you had a real estate studio, a financial broker or personal training, would the job of Seller No.1, No.2, No.3, No.4 or even Seller No.100 help someone? The other one way or another? No… there is no financial synergy.
And finally, I’ll use another more complete example. If you had a franchise network, would you win the No.1 spot from No.2? No… again, they are close to completion and do not share any synergy.
In fact, Site 2 cannibalizes and shares all aspects of Site No. 1. Whether it’s overhead or shipping costs… sales and excess revenue of each independent site do not improve, nothing happens to the results of another. People don’t understand what they do in business.
And the worst of all these models is multi-level marketing (MLM) because it enhances the negative effects of horizontal marketing. Although I am a fan of the industry, representatives of the company need to wake up and learn, because after receiving bonuses for recruiting employees, they have already ridden a roller coaster.
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