Create and take a study guide so that you can view questions and answers periodically all day and for several days. Identify the questions you don’t know and ask yourself questions about those questions. This helps you keep information and make corrections where necessary. For technical courses, do the sample problems and explain how you went from question to answer. Learning the material this way actively involves your brain and will significantly improve your memory .
Use apps to help you set limits on the amount of time you can spend on certain sites during the day. Reward intensive study with a break on social media (but make sure you take a break)! Use comparison charts to highlight differences in key concepts. Create study guides using comparison charts or tables when it is necessary to compare and contrast a related group of ideas. You can use tables to organize certain parallels in history or biology or to compare different writers for a literature course.
Set specific goals for each study session, such as how many topics you cover at the end of the session. View the notes of the lectures and lectures within 24 hours after learning the material and then weekly. If study materials you study a little every day, you will constantly look at things in your head. Unfortunately, the night before a test is when many students take courses of study that really damage their chances of a good grade.
You should plan to work in all classes every week, even if you have nothing to pay. In fact, it is preferable to do some work every day for each of your classes. Spending 30 minutes per lesson every day will take up to three hours a week, but extending this time by six days is more effective than displacing everything during a long three-hour session.
If you are a visual student, consider using color-coded sections in your study guides or using idea cards to extract information and make it more accessible quickly. The process of summarizing, condensing and reworking your notes on a viable review sheet is critical to your test preparation. One of the keys is that it forces you to create something valuable for later. It also forces you to perfect the most important concepts you need to know for a test in your own words. Too many students see study guides as an answer key for an exam. The first thing Alicia always does is collect materials she needs.
If you only study in a group environment, it is easy to develop competence illusions. Some people can go public for several hours the night before the test and still get a good grade. Most people have to see information several times over a period of time so that they really compromise it in memory. This means that instead of doing a single long study session, your study will be divided into smaller sessions over a longer period of time. Five one-hour study sessions over a week will be less stressful and effective than a single five-hour session.