Should We Give Up On Natural Health?

What is natural health?

The definition of natural health, although somewhat vague, is commonly understood as self-management by health by adopting a healthy lifestyle without the use of medication. A healthy lifestyle includes conscious eating food, herbs and exercise and deliberately limiting harmful effects such as smoking, pollution and excessive stress.

But much more needs to be done than to make such an informed choice, there is also the reason that led to the decision to choose Natural Health. Conventional medical care requires no decisions or actions other than simply following the crowd; Eat for convenience, shop locally and go to the pharmacy to correct minor physical ailments. Rejection of conventions requires determination and active search, so as not to go astray. So, people who choose natural health, there is a reason for this, although the natural is actually an integral part, the desire for it comes across obstacles. Here are a few examples:

Buying food from an American supermarket: Most foods are processed industrially using genetically modified ingredients and long lists of toxic chemicals.
Conventional products are bombarded with pesticides, collected by the underripe, with a long delivery time and loss of nutrients, and are often exposed to soda and radiation.
Home and personal care products emit hundreds of untested toxic chemicals.
Ordinary meat contains antibiotics, synthetic hormones and steroids, as animals are grown on cheap foreign food and are kept in artificial conditions.
Organic products are purchased far from the place of consumption, many nutrients are lost due to food miles and mandatory disinfection during transportation, as well as widespread cheating and labeling errors.
Municipal water sources are contaminated with toxic chemicals, pharmaceuticals and fluoride supplements.
Unintentional exposure to polluted air even in remote areas, acid rain
Electromog, cell phones, Wi-Fi, TV, computers, wires, etc.
Air conditioning buildings are the cause of SBS’s sick building syndrome because they recycle biological and chemical pollutants inside.

Of course, this list can be continued, but here it should be noted that natural health is practically available in today’s industrialized world. Even in the passionate pursuit of natural things, man must give in to reality, and this is not what nature has bestowed on humanity.

Is it time to give up natural health?

In light of the facts, you may be tempted to throw the towel away, and unfortunately most people do things that they don’t like. Typical explanations are, “I don’t have time,” or “It doesn’t matter anyway,” or even, “If I get sick, I’ll just get a new kidney or something.” Here we see the effect that the continued flow of pharmaceutical advertising suggests that drugs can make you healthy.

So, is it really a waste of time to overcome obstacles to sustainable health? The answer is unequivocally negative, and here’s why: increasing the number of people asking for change increases the likelihood that someone will listen to them. A capitalist society is full of entrepreneurs who see business opportunities in meeting needs, and if the needs are linked to healthier products, they will produce. This is evidenced by the high prices of healthy foods. Even during this economic downturn, healthy eating and gym visits mean healthy growth. In addition, we must remember that any prevention of exposure to toxins leads to less harmful and weakened immune effects on the body. Here are a few steps you can take to reduce toxic damage:

Always read labels with food ingredients, if the list is long, you don’t need to read it because you already know that it is not a natural product.
Buy fruits and vegetables at your local farmers market in season, build relationships with the farmer, and he will tell you what you didn’t know.
Pay attention not only to what you eat, but also to how you eat: sit at the table, do not get distracted, be grateful and eat slowly.
Eat early and wait at least three hours before going to bed, at least five hours without a break.

Always read labels with food ingredients, if the list is long, you don’t need to read it because you already know that it is not a natural product.
Buy fruits and vegetables at your local farmers market in season, build relationships with the farmer, and he will tell you what you didn’t know.
Pay attention not only to what you eat, but also to how you eat: sit down at the table, do not get distracted, be grateful and eat slowly.
Eat early and wait at least three hours before going to bed, at least five hours without a break.
Don’t focus on your problems, focus on what you can be grateful for: positive thoughts make digestion and sleep easier
Never drink tap water, install a water filter that removes chlorine, toxins and fluoride, but not minerals such as reverse osmosis or distilled water.
Buy natural household detergents and body care products, if you have a water-burning machine, you can use water with pH 10 as a cleanser and acidic water to wash skin and vegetables (eliminates pesticides)
Avoid unhealthy buildings, open the window if possible
Don’t sleep near wireless sources, including wireless and cell phones, computers, TVs, etc.
Finally, we must take into account that health is not the absence of illness and is not determined by the absence of physical symptoms. Health is holistic, holistic when we are in balance mentally, emotionally, spiritually, socially and intellectually. Physical symptoms are the result of disharmony between these elements, the last manifestation of chaos. This explains why prescription drugs can’t make us healthy; they can only suppress the symptom. But if the source and cause are not determined – can return even the symptoms.

Heinz R. Gisell developed the production of lasers and medical devices, supervised new treatments and created world markets where they did not exist. Fascinated by the challenges of transforming technology into health solutions, he realized that the current paradigm of “symptom recovery” was wrong and that health care should begin at the cellular level long before symptoms appeared.

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